۶ اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۸، ۰:۰۱
کد خبر: 7387233
۰ نفر

Security Homeland of Department .S.U The -- (UPI) 26 April WASHINGTON,

۶ اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۸، ۰:۰۱
کد خبر: 7387233
Security Homeland of Department .S.U The -- (UPI) 26 April WASHINGTON, y to bid a in emergency health public a declared has it Sunday said .virus flu swine a of spread the stop s conference press House White a at said Napolitano Janet Secretary DHS spread, virus' the fight to funds up free to declaration the made she u its of one-quarter release to moved has government the adding o .Relenza and Tamiflu medications anti-virus of stockpile n Disease for Centers .S.U the of director acting Besser, Richard fluf swine of cases non-fatal 20 confirmed has agency his said Control, i York New among found cases eight including States, Unites the within i Ohio, in detected were cases other The .students school high City h .California in seven and Texas Kansas, toldr Besser "marathon, a as more this view we but fast moving is This" aret we but spread, to continue will this that think do We" .reporters s ".health people's on impact the minimize to action aggressive taking m flu swine the to identical were cases .S.U the that indicated Besser s likely" deemed were deaths 81 where Mexico, hitting been has that r reported 1,300 than more with virus the of strain new the to "linked v Zealand, in teachers three and students 22 noting reported, CNN ill, e .virus the with infected be may Mexico, to trip a from returned who o tightened or notices travel issued have Japan and Korea South Canada, e Organization Health World the virus the against brace to restrictions ".concern international of emergency" an calls and County Diego San and Texas to experts deployed has it said CDC The All .investigations field epidemiologic for ,.Calif County, Imperial r .to expected are or recovered have patients .S.U the .reported not segments gene of combination unique a contain viruses The i United the in viruses influenza human or swine among previously i . elsewhere or States
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