۶ فروردین ۱۳۸۸، ۰:۰۱
کد خبر: 7380855
۰ نفر

on arrested been has spy German former A -- (UPI) 26 March BERLIN,

۶ فروردین ۱۳۸۸، ۰:۰۱
کد خبر: 7380855
on arrested been has spy German former A -- (UPI) 26 March BERLIN, n ties with man a lover, his to secrets state on passed he that charges t .crime organized to because week last arrested was German, 42-year-old a ,.K Robert Anton Germanye in working while information classified on passed allegedly he G .2008 and 2007 in Kosovo, Pristina, in mission diplomatic 's a secrets, state the of receiver alleged the arrested also Police c at old years 28 man, The .A Murat as only identified man Macedonian a still but mission German the for translator a as worked time, the u .services intelligence other and crime organized to ties maintained the for working was .K Robert Anton that reports Zeitung Berliner The o with affair an had he service; spy German a Bundesnachrichtendienst, n .K Robert Anton .secrets state the diverting before translator his n crime, organized to intelligence the on pass would .A Murat that knew g .reported newspaper the services, foreign to even and .A Murat .prison in years 10 to up faces .K Robert Anton convicted, If p .sentence five-year a faces
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